
Useful Tax Return Websites and Telephone Consultation Services for Non-native Japanese speakers in Japan.

この記事の日本語版はこちらです “日本で確定申告する外国人の方に役立つサイトと英語の電話相談窓口

This article is for the non-native Japanese speakers in Japan who need to file tax returns, mainly in English.

My name is Akirako Kimura, a tax accountant.(@k_tax

If you are a foreigner living in Japan, you need to file a tax return in Japan.


Here is a list of useful tax return websites and telephone consultation services for non-native Japanese speakers in Japan.

Tax returns for non-native Japanese speakers – What to check, where to ask?

Non-native Japanese speakers who live in Japan need to pay tax in Japan.

But taxation is very complicated to begin with.  And most tax brochures and National Tax Agency’s website is written only in Japanese… I can imagine non-Japanese natives must be having a hard time during the tax return season!


Even a Japanese tax professional like me would not read it if not necessary…haha

For those non-native Japanese speakers who pay income tax Japan, here is useful information!

English pages in the National Tax Agency’s website

Firstly, National Tax Agency’s website has some pages in English.

You can find pages for “Individual Income Tax.” 
You can also download a procedure guidance in PDF format.

■ スポンサー広告 ■

Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau has En, Pt, Es Pages!

Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau’s website has pages written not only in English but in Portuguese and in Spanish.  Is it maybe because the headquarters of Toyota, a very international company, is in the city?




I have not read them to see how detailed those pages in different languages were, sorry, but it must be helpful at some level for you.

Telephone Consultation Service

At the Telephone Consultation Services by Regional Taxation Bureaus, services are available in English.


However, it is hard to find their phone numbers in the Internet. 
So, I got them for you by calling each bureau.  

Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau Telephone Consultation Service

phone: 03-3821-9070

When you call this number, you will be guided by English automated announcements.

Sometimes a real person, who speaks some English, picks up the phone. (Updated in 2019) 

Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau Telephone Consultation Service

phone: 052-971-2059

An officer will pick up the phone in Japanese.  Please tell that person that you need assistance in English.

※When I called, I was told that their English would not be very good, but what can I do… (Updated in 2019) 

Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau Telephone Consultation Service

phone: 06-6941-5331

This number is the bureau’s main number.  Please tell the operator that you need to be connected to their English services.

※As of 2019, it has not changed.

Special Thanks for Translator

This entry was translated by KIKI.
Thank you very much!